HOMERUN QUEEN: Northern Red Knights captain Victoria Saunders heads to the dugout after slamming the ball over the heads of Riverdale Raiders’ outfielders during a May 20 regular season tilt at Wanless Park.
Northern’s girls softball team was set on toppling rival Leaside Lancers
Northern Red Knights’ softball season may not have been the stuff of legends, but it was a strong finish nonetheless.
The squad pushed through the first two rounds of the South Region playoffs, downing Harbord Tigers 1-0 and East York Athenas 16-1 before being bounced in the final by way of a 5-3 loss to Leaside Lancers.
Northern’s regular season wrapped up with a 13-12 win over Riverdale Raiders, May 20. That’s when the Town Crier caught up to the team’s captain, Victoria Saunders.
“We just want to play Leaside in the finals — our arch rivals,” she said, following a game against Riverdale where she came in for starter Emma Zidvot.
Northern finished second in the standings with a 5-1 record. Their only loss came at the hands (and bats) of the aforementioned Lancers, who also claimed the South Region final title last year.
Coach Terri-Lynn Hedgcock agreed the Red Knights had their hopes set on the South Region, and aimed to topple Leaside from atop the league.
“They’re the big one,” she said. “I think with a couple of lineup changes, we can be competitive… We’ll give them a run for their money.”
For the 2014 campaign, Northern sported a young roster with mainly Grade 9s and 10s filling out the ranks, including prospect
pitcher Reilley Nossiter.
There were only two Grade 12s on the team, Saunders being one of them.
She dinged three homeruns in the game against Riverdale, and came in to stave off a late charge.
“I just [thought] keep throwing strikes, hopefully we’ll get a good ground ball and end this inning,” she said of holding off the Raiders.
Hedgcock, along with co-coach Lynn Simerson, have been impressed by the senior’s play. Saunders plays rep for Brampton Blazers of the Brampton Girls’ Softball Association.
“She’s phenomenal,” Hedgcock said of her captain. “She’s really the foundation of the team, so she’ll be a huge loss.”
Playoffs got under way May 26.
Northern’s season by the numbers:
Northern Red Knights 15
Humberside Huskies 7
Northern Red Knights 16
Hardbord Tigers 7
East York Athenas 5
Northern Red Knights 14
Lawrence Park Panthers 10
Northern Red Knights 15
Northern Red Knights 5
Leaside Lancers 15
Riverdale Raiders 12
Northern Red Knights 13
Harbord Tigers 0
Northern Red Knights 1
East York Athenas 1
Northern Red Knights 16
Northern Red Knights 3
Leaside Lancers 5